RIGHT Function in SQL Server

RIGHT Function in SQL Server with Product Table Column

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn how to use the RIGHT function in SQL Server to extract the rightmost character from the given string value. You will understand the process of extracting the characters from the right side of the literal string. Then from the string value within the table column and from … Read more

SQL Server Format Number with Commas without Decimal Places

SQL Server Format Number with Commas without Decimal Places Using Format() Function

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn about SQL Server format number with commas without decimal places. You will use the FORMAT() function to format the number with commas and without decimal places. Then use the LEFT() and LEN() functions together for the same purpose. SQL Server Format Number with Commas without Decimal Places … Read more

Format Number with Thousands Separator in SQL Server

Format Number with Thousands Separator in SQL Server using Format() Function

In this SQL Server tutorial, I will explain to you how to format number with thousand separator in SQL Server. You will understand use of the functions such as FORMAT(), CONVERT(), and CAST() to format numbers with thousand separators. Format Number with Thousands Separator in SQL Server While querying the information from the database, how … Read more

LEFT Function in SQL Server

LEFT Function in SQL Server Extracting Leftmost Six Characters From the String

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn about LEFT Function in SQL Server. You will use this function to extract the leftmost character from the value. First, you will understand how to use the LEFT() function with literal string, then use the LEFT() function with table column. Finally, with the GROUP BY clause. LEFT … Read more

CONVERT Function in SQL Server

Convert Function in SQL Server Convert Table Column Value

In this SQL Server tutorial, I will show how to use the CONVERT function in SQL Server. Where you will see how to use the CONVERT() function to convert the data type of the value to another data type in an explicit way. Also, you will learn how to apply the CONVERT() function on the … Read more

CAST Function in SQL Server

CAST Function in SQL Server Casting Table Column Value

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn about the CAST function in SQL Server, where you will understand how to cast or transform the datatype of the value to another datatype. Finally, you will learn how to implement the CAST() function on the column of the table, also how to concatenate the CAST() function … Read more

Format Number to 2 Decimal Places in SQL Server

Format Number to 2 Decimal Places in SQL Server using FORMAT()

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn how to format numbers to 2 decimal places in SQL Server. You will use the different functions in SQL Server to format the number with 2 decimal places. Also, you will be introduced to the syntax of each function that you are going to use in this … Read more

How to Format Numbers with Leading Zeros in SQL Server?

Format Number with Leading Zeros in SQL Server On Table

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn about format numbers with leading zeros in SQL Server. First, you will be introduced to the concept of leading zero, and then how it is beneficial in several ways. After that, you will learn how to use the FORMAT() function to format the number with leading zeros. … Read more

Format Number with Commas in SQL Server

Format Number with Commas in SQL Server Using Query

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn how to format number with commas in SQL Server. Where you will understand how to use FORMAT() function to format the number. Also, you will use the different format specifier with the FORMAT() function to format the value with commas. Format Number with Commas in SQL Server … Read more

How to Check Autogrowth in SQL Server Using Query?

Check Autogrowth in SQL Server Using Query

In this SQL Server tutorial, I will show you how to check autogrowth in SQL Server using query. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the sys.master_files system view to check the autogrowth of a database and all the databases on the SQL Server. Also, use the sp_MSforeachdb and sp_helpfile system procedures to … Read more