SQL Server Tutorials [Beginners and Advanced]

Do you want to learn SQL Server from the beginning? Check out this page; here, I have mentioned how to start learning SQL server from basic to advanced levels.

I will start with some basic SQL server tutorials and then with some advanced tutorials in SQL server.

SQL Server tutorials for beginners

Here is a list of sql server tutorials for beginners.

Install SQL Server 2022 Express EditionThis SQL server basic tutorial explains how to install sql server 2022 express edition step by step.
Install SQL Server Management StudioLearn how to install SQL Server Management Studio on your computer.
Get Server Name in SQL Server using QueryThis SQL Server tutorial explains how to get server name in sql server using query.
Create a SQL server database using SQL Server Management StudioThis tutorial explains how to create a database in SQL Server using Management Studio.
Create a Database in SQL Server Using QueryLearn how to create a SQL server using a query.
Create a Database in SQL Server Using Command LineDo you know you can create a database in SQL server from the command line? Check out here. I have explained how to create a database in an SQL server using the command line.
Create database if not exists in sql serverThis tutorial explains how to create a database if it does not exist in SQL server.
Change Database Name in SQL Server using QueryThis SQL tutorial explains how to change the database name in an SQL server using a query.
Get Connection String in SQL Server Management StudioThis SQL Server tutorial explains how to get the connection string in SQL Server Management Studio.
Change Database Owner in SQL ServerLearn how to change the owner of a SQL server database using SQL server management studio and the command line.
Find Database Owner in SQL ServerThis SQL Server tutorial explains how to find database owners in SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio and also by using queries.
Create Database If Not Exists in SQL ServerLearn how to create a database if it does not exist in Microsoft SQL Server.
Find Database Name in SQL Server Using QueryDo you want to find the database name in the SQL server using a query? Check out this complete tutorial on finding database name in SQL Server using query.
Find Database Name in SQL Server Management StudioLearn how to find database names in sql server Management Studio.
Check Database Size in SQL Server Using QueryThis tutorial explains how to check database size in sql server using a query.
Check Database Log File Size in SQL Server Using QueryLearn how to check database log file size in sql server using query.
ORDER BY Clause in SQL ServerIf you want to order the rows in the query result set, use the ORDER BY clause in your sql server query.
How to use GROUP BY Clause in SQL ServerDo you want to group the rows based on similar values or create a group based on the column’s identical values? then, group the rows using the GROUP BY clause in your sql server query.
WHERE Condition in SQL Serverif you want to filter table rows based on a specific condition, use the WHERE clause in your query.
JOIN in SQL ServerLearn how to combine rows from more than one table in the sql server using the JOIN.

SQL Server Table Tutorials

Here is the list of SQL server table tutorials:

Create a Table in SQL Server Management Studio Using QueryLearn how to create a table in SQL server management studio using a query.
Create Temporary Table in SQL Server Management StudioThis sql server tutorial explains how to create a temporary table in sql server Management Studio.
Check Database Table Size in SQL ServerIn this tutorial, I have explained how to Check Database Table Size in SQL Server using sp_spaceused and sql server Management Studio.
How to ALTER TABLE in SQL ServerLearn how to alter the existing table in sql server using the ALTER TABLE command.

Advanced SQL Server Tutorials

Convert Int to String with Leading Zero in SQL ServerLearn how to convert int to string with leading zeros in sql server.
Convert Int to String with Commas in SQL ServerThis sql server tutorial explains how to convert int to string with commas in sql server.
SQL Server Convert Int to String PaddingLearn how to convert an int to a string with padding in sql server.
Format Number with Commas in SQL ServerThis sql server tutorial explains how to format numbers with commas in sql server.
Format Number with Thousands Separator in SQL ServerThis sql server tutorial explains how to format numbers with thousands separators in sql server using the convert(), cast(), and format() functions.
SQL Server Format Number with Commas without Decimal PlacesLearn how to format numbers with commas without decimal places using the format(), left(), and len() functions.
Format Numbers with Leading Zeros in SQL ServerLearn how to format numbers with leading zeros in sql server using format(), convert(), and right() functions.
Format Number to 2 Decimal Places in SQL ServerThis sql server tutorial explains how to format the given number to two decimal places.
Convert Int to Fixed Length String in SQL ServerThis sql server tutorial explains how to convert int to fixed length string in sql server.
Format Number with Commas and Decimal in SQL ServerThis tutorial explains how to format a number with commas and decimals in sql server.
Cannot Find the User Because It Does Not Exist in SQL ServerLearn how to fix the error “Cannot Find the User Because It Does Not Exist in SQL Server”.
Get All Database Size in SQL Server Using QueryThis tutorial explains how to get all database size in sql server using the query.
Check Autogrowth in SQL Server Using QueryLearn how to Check Autogrowth in SQL Server Using Query?
SQL Server Remove Character From StringThis tutorial explains how to remove a specific character from a given string using REPLACE(), LTRIM(), and RTRIM() functions in the sql server.
SQL Server Convert Datetime to DateLearn how to convert the datetime value to date using the CONVERT(), CAST() and TRY_CONVERT() functions in the sql server.
SQL Server Count Characters in StringLearn how to count the number of characters in the given string using the LEN() and DATALENGTH() functions in the sql server.
SQL Server Escape Single Quote in StringThis tutorial explains how to escape a single quote in a string using the double single quote and CHAR() function in the sql server.
Pivot in SQL Server (Rows to Columns)Learn how to transform the rows into columns using the PIVOT in the sql server.
How to Create Index in SQL ServerLearn how to create an index in the SQL server to improve query performance.
CHOOSE Function in SQL ServerIf you have a list of values and want to find the value from the list by specifying the index, use the CHOOSE() function of the sql server.
CASE Statement in SQL ServerUse the CASE statement to learn how to handle conditional logic in the sql server.
SQL Server COALESCE FunctionLearn how to get the first non-value from the list values containing null values using the COALESCE() function in the sql server.
How to CREATE SCHEMA in SQL ServerThis tutorial explains how to create a schema in SQL Server using the CREATE SCHEMA command.
SQL Server IIF Logical FunctionThis tutorial explains how to use the IIF logical function in sql server that returns true or false based on the evaluation result.
How to use RANK Function in SQL ServerLearn how to assign unique rank to records in a table using the RANK() function in the sql server.
How to CREATE FUNCTION in SQL ServerLearn how to create a new function in the sql server using the CREATE FUNCTION command.

SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorials

If you want to learn about stored procedures in SQL Server, Check out all the SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorials.