How to Get All Stored Procedure Scripts in SQL Server using Command Line?

In this SQL Server tutorial, you will learn how to get all stored procedure scripts in SQL Server using command line.

You will use the SQLCMD utility in your command line and execute the query to get the script of all the stored procedures in your database.

Then, you will understand how to use the OBJECT_DEFINITION() function in SQL Server to get the script of the stored procedure.

Get All Stored Procedure Scripts in SQL Server Using Command Line

To view or get stored procedures in SQL Server using the command line, first view all the stored procedures in the current database by following the below steps.

Open the command prompt and connect to the SQL Server instance using the below command.


Using the above command, connect to the SQL Server instance named MSI\SQLEXPRESS; after that, run the below query to connect to the database (E_commerce).

USE E_commerce;

Then, run the below query to view all the stored procedures with the E_commerce database.

SELECT name FROM sys.procedures;
How to Get All Stored Procedure Script in SQL Server Using Command Line Viewing All the Procedures

Now, to view or get the script of all the stored procedures that you see in the above output, use the below query.

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) as ProcedureName,
OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id) as ScriptCode
FROM sys.procedures;
How to Get All Stored Procedure Script in SQL Server Using Command Line

When you execute the above query, it shows the script of each stored procedure, as you can see in the above output. The green rectangle box indicates the name of the stored procedure, and the yellow one is the script of that stored procedure.

As the output of the query does not fit on the command prompt screen, you are not able to see all the stored procedures with their script. But on your side, you will see all the stored procedure scripts.


In this SQL Server tutorial, you learned how to get the script of all the stored procedures using command line. Where you learned how to use OBJECT_DEFINITION() that generates the script or definition of the stored procedure.

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